Parking Appeals Process/Procedure
The goal of the appeals process is to provide members of the college community with a way to resolve contested parking citations. The appeals process has been designed to:
- provide information and assistance for the appellant
- evaluate the effectiveness of campus parking regulations, signage and enforcement efforts and suggest ways to improve them
- modify the behavior of repeat offenders.
Parking Violation
All parking violation appeals must be submitted online.
Handicap Violation
Required documentation to appeal a handicap violation must include:
- photocopy of (valid) handicap hangtag
- photocopy of individual's driver's license
Not Grounds for Appeal
Examples of defenses that are not grounds for appeal include:
- never received the ticket
- did not know the parking rules
- only parked a few minutes
- parking lot was full
- was late/weather was bad
- had my flashers on
- picking up/dropping off friends/books/labs etc.
- someone else was using my car
- inability to pay fine
- co-worker/friend told me I could park there
- repeat violations/multiple violations for same type
Appeal Administrator
The Appeal Administrator has the authority to dispose of a case by:
- upholding the charge(s)
- upholding the charge(s) with a reduced fee
- reducing the charges to a lesser offense
- dismissing the charge(s)
The Appeal Administrator's decision will either be emailed or mailed to the appellant. The decision of the Appeal Administrator is final.
Location & Contacts
Brighton Campus
Building 21, Room 140
Mon thru Thu: 8am to 4:30pm
Fri: 8am to 3pm
(585) 292-2700
Fax (585) 292-3873